Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Golf Course Update

Now that November has rolled around, everyone at Cuscowilla is anxious to know when we will be reopening the golf course. We have seen significant growth the last few weeks as the weather has at last cooperated with our goals. This grass is the deepest green color when cut and we are excited at the coverage that we are now seeing. The height of the cut will now be dropped to encourage stronger lateral growth and heavy topdressing will continue. We want to hold off on reopening the course until the thin areas are filled, and the quality of the growth can handle the traffic, but we are seeing daily improvements in this continued weather pattern which brings us confidence that we will be able to reopen sometime before Thanksgiving. The dip below freezing that we will experience this coming weekend will not stop the growth of this bentgrass, so we will continue to see filling in of the thinner areas of grass over the next two weeks.

Thank you for your continued patience and support during this process.

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